Saturday, 7 January 2017

My 100 day goal and sales trackers - free printables!

At the end of last year I joined the 100 Day Goal with The Business Bakery.  My aim was to make 100 sales in 100 days, sounds pretty simple?  Well I only got 262 orders for the whole of 2016 AND that included our mini Christmas rush, so it will take some work.
I could have just set the goal myself and plodded along doing my best to achieve it, but I wanted the motivation and contacts that being part of a group working towards a goal brings.  Everyone's goals are different, but the group is a wealth of knowledge and building the right kind of contacts never hurts.
One of the recommendations for achieving your goal is to set up some kind of tracker for you to see your progress and in turn stay motivated.  I love a tracker and so of course I had to design one to fit my planner.  Whilst I was at it, it seemed only natural to also build a sales revenue tracker, so you get another 2 freebies from me this week!

Our first freebie is our sales revenue tracker.  There is a little key at the top with boxes for you to colour in to differentiate between the various amounts.
The bulk of the tracker is the days of the year and a box for you to colour in the relevant revenue total.  At the end of each month is a space for you to write your monthly revenue total.

I am personally not including P&P in mine just the item total, but how you use the tracker is completely up to you.  It will be easy to see at a glance the entire years revenue patterns and should help me plan a little better advertising etc in years to come.

Simply right click and select 'save image as'

If you have any problems downloading or would prefer a PDF version, it can be downloaded here.

Our second printable is our sales volume tracker.  I like to see at a glance just how many orders I have done over a certain period (on all selling platforms) so that I can hopefully improve year on year and plan how best to use my working time etc.

This tracker is very simple, just the months on the side with the days on the top and a daily square to write your daily total in and a space at the end of the month to write in your monthly total.
I know that if you are a successful seller that sells 10+ a day then the spaces may be a little wee for you to write in your daily totals, but this is definitely a good tool for those like me that haven't quite made it to that stage yet.

Simply right click and select 'save image as'

If you have any problems downloading or would prefer a PDF version, it can be downloaded here.

I'm happy for you to distribute our printables however you wish, but they must remain free at all times.

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